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Everyone Wears A Mask… (Mask No. 1), Folie à Plusieurs

Everyone Wears A Mask… (Mask No. 1) is a perfume by Folie à Plusieurs for women and men. The release year is unknown. It is still in production.

m a s k s
not just veils that hide a person’s identity, but as tools of expression that enable different facets or layers of an identity to shine through. It is a means through which to explore one’s multiple and protean understandings of the self in relation to one’s surroundings.
“everyone has a mask
…some wear the same masks all their lives…even if they remove their masks,
their faces seldom expose themselves. people often take your masks for you.
and you take theirs for them.
the objective of love and hatred may be the masks…”
(薔薇の葬列 Bara no Sōretsu)

some masks stress the features, but others are far from the original. Everyone Wears A Mask...
Mask n.1 / Fragrance n.1

Guillaume Flavigny (Givaudan)
Ginger purple Indonesia orpur, Turmeric, Saffron, Bergamot oil Italy orpur, Ylang ylang oil fraction Comores orpur, Olibanum resinoid washed , Myrrh oil, Vetiver fraction Haiti orpur, Makassar wood, Ambbrette absolute

Прикрепленные изображения

  • Прикрепленное изображение: D8A913AF-B041-4197-8622-0525D10F67AF.jpeg
  • Прикрепленное изображение: 26892B6C-41EB-4450-807E-95374FAB749B.jpeg
  • Прикрепленное изображение: B49226DD-C073-4A82-BC45-7E962D764EFC.jpeg
  • Прикрепленное изображение: 6D338AAF-3B46-429A-9150-9AD48955B442.jpeg
  • Прикрепленное изображение: 096D9D5A-BFE8-4B0F-849D-64B55B3D15B9.jpeg

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