Мягкий и деликатный аромат, посвященный полевым цветам, распускающимся на Сицилии ранней весной. Композиция включает ноты нарцисса, страстоцвета и дикого ириса. Аромат создан Лоренцо Виллорези.
Представьте: вы просыпаетесь утром в шикарном отеле на побережье, открываете балкон и в комнату врывается свежий морской бриз, ещё прохладный, не пропитанный солнцем, собирая по пути ароматы экзотических цветов из сада.
Именно такая картинка встаёт перед глазами, когда вдыхают этот аромат. Аромат отпуска, свободы и релакса. Запах чистоты и свежести.
Для производства компания Ortigia Sicilia использует только натуральное сырье, получаемое из растений и трав острова. Обрабатывают их с помощью традиционные и новые формулы сицилийских рецептов, без использования химических и минеральных ингредиентов.
С официального сайта марки:
"The perfumes are distilled from the flowers of Sicily by master perfumer, Lorenzo Villoresi. The base of all the products is natural perfume and natural ingredients: olive oil, vegetable glycerine, and organic colours. Paraben-free,the range uses traditional products with modern ethics and integrity.
All Ortigia products are made by small family companies who pride themselves on the quality of their products. The highly decorative packaging is designed by Sue Townsend and draws on exotic Sicilian images and colours.
The name Ortigia comes from the small island that lies at the edge of the ancient fortified city of Siracusa, on Sicily’s southeastern coast. The streets of Ortigia are crumbling baroque façades of great splendour looking out on 3 sides to the sea. The Piazza del Duomo is considered one of the most beautiful in Italy. Situated on the southeastern side of Sicily, this part of the island is known as “la Sicilia Orientale” because of its proximity to Africa and almost tropical climate. In the rich volcanic soil of Mount Etna – Europe’s highest active volcano – there are hundreds of orange & lemon groves – the only place where blood oranges grow – also grapefruit trees, almonds, pistachios, saffron, vines, olives and cactus.
Sicily is enriched with a colourful history of conquest, invasion and assimilation. It has been fought over and colonised: Greeks, Phoenicians, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, Normans, Hohenstaufens, Angevins, Aragonese and Bourbons all left their mark. Examples are found throughout the island. The island’s history, reflected in the uniquely rich and layered culture that is found in Sicily today, has inspired the creation of the Ortigia range".
All Ortigia products are made by small family companies who pride themselves on the quality of their products. The highly decorative packaging is designed by Sue Townsend and draws on exotic Sicilian images and colours.
The name Ortigia comes from the small island that lies at the edge of the ancient fortified city of Siracusa, on Sicily’s southeastern coast. The streets of Ortigia are crumbling baroque façades of great splendour looking out on 3 sides to the sea. The Piazza del Duomo is considered one of the most beautiful in Italy. Situated on the southeastern side of Sicily, this part of the island is known as “la Sicilia Orientale” because of its proximity to Africa and almost tropical climate. In the rich volcanic soil of Mount Etna – Europe’s highest active volcano – there are hundreds of orange & lemon groves – the only place where blood oranges grow – also grapefruit trees, almonds, pistachios, saffron, vines, olives and cactus.
Sicily is enriched with a colourful history of conquest, invasion and assimilation. It has been fought over and colonised: Greeks, Phoenicians, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, Normans, Hohenstaufens, Angevins, Aragonese and Bourbons all left their mark. Examples are found throughout the island. The island’s history, reflected in the uniquely rich and layered culture that is found in Sicily today, has inspired the creation of the Ortigia range".
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