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Prastara, Florina

Лена Летняя (Посмотреть ВСЕ, что есть у пользователя) 28 Май 2024 - 23:23

  • Новичок
  • Группа: Парфманьяки со стажем
  • Сообщений: 2
  • Регистрация: 27 Сентябрь 11
  • ГородСанкт-Петербург

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Фото Prastara

Тип: Новый флакон в наличии
Во флаконе: 135/142 мл.
Концентрация: Cologne
Регион: Санкт-Петербург
Цена: 800 руб.
Пересылка есть!

Prastara - одеколон польского производства 80-х годов.
Точную дату создания, имя парфюмера обнаружить не удалось.
Известно, что это воссоздание ивестного одеколона 1862 года.

Аромат приятный одеколонистый, скорее фужерный
пирамида Прастары:
Стартовые ноты: Бергамот, лимон, мандарин, базилик, шалфей, кардамон
Средние ноты: Иланг-иланг, дамасская роза, нероли
Базовые ноты: Сандал, кедр, амбра, соцветия пижмы


Na pewno pamiętacie - ci starsi, a jak nie pamiętacie - młodsi, to zapamiętajcie! Woda kolońska "Prastara" w wiklinowym oplocie. Zapach... klasyka kolońskości: zioła, cytrusy, bergamota, rozmaryn, lawenda, chyba też muśnięcie róży, na dnie coś jakby słodka ambra i piżmo - czego chcieć więcej... :-)

Вы, конечно, помните, - те кто постарше, и как не вспомнить! Одеколоны "Prastara" в плетенке. Запах ... классический kolońskości: травы, цитрусовые, бергамот, розмарин, лаванда, роза, вероятно, также в базе что-то вроде сладкой амбры и мускуса - что еще можно пожелать ...:-)

Charming, Vintage Collectible Eaude Cologne Prastara - produced before 1990 in Poland by the factory Florina and very known in the East European block. It was a classic eau de cologne note, similar in style with Farina. It came in this old style bottle protected by the woven basket - a protection that was invented centuries ago when large cologne bottles had to be transported on bad roads (from Grasse to Paris, of course).
Prastara came with another complex story from the same myth book of the fragrance history where monks, secret formulas and royal clients were the main characters. It's hard now to evaluate the real history of this nice cologne that was an important polish export article (examples of pre 90's bottles are still available on Russian sites for sale). Both the language and distance are tough obstacles for me. While the legend says that Prastara was created many centuries ago in 1682 (even before Féminis and Farina) it is hard to believe how this was possible in a region where citruses are not everywhere.
In the XIXth and first part of XXth century the German industry of perfumes and cosmetics was very strong. They lacked the prestige of French creations and they were more mass products. Many of them were sold in countries were the French economic influence was less important (Dralle perfumes were popular). Several major German producers had factories in all central and east Europe and after WWII they had an independent life (for this reason Nivea cream was produced until the 90's in Romania).
It is interesting to notice that while Florina was the polish producer of Prastara, Florena was another very well known cosmetic producer from East Germany and a large exporter in East Countries. It was one of the first German cosmetics companies (1852) though Florena was officially registered as a trademark in Munich only in 1920.
Florina, still a very known polish cosmetic factory in Krakow, was created just after WWII - between 1945 and 1947. I do not know exactly if there was a link between the german Florena and the polish Florina, though the economic context of WWII, the split of German trademarks and their factories might suggest a link.
To my knowledge, Prastara started to be produced in Poland after WWI, around 1920-1921 (the factory Pixin). Put in the context of the polish nationalism, the history of the very first cologne with deep roots makes sense.
Prastara is produced again in Poland and I've just checked their website. But the new Prastara is just a name and less the reproduction of the XVIIth century scent for a very simple reason - ylang-ylang, used in the new Prastara was not used in perfumes before the end of XIXth century.
One of the reasons to explain why so many "authentic" Eau de Cologne are not what they are is price. Classic Eau de Cologne are inexpensive products on the market now but all the original formulas contained an important amount of neroli. Neroli oil is very expensive today as it was 100 years ago when Eau de Cologne became a mass market fragrance and the natural product was replaced gradually with the new available synthetic orange flower notes.

Height-157mm; Diameter-59mm; Weight-325g;
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