Slava A, про абсолют мха, химики парфюмерии изобрели сочетание абсолюта с синтетическими нотами. Что прекрасно!
In its bid to replace oakmoss, Mane's laboratory began by chemically analyzing the natural extract, which, in the case of oakmoss, is called an absolute. Absolutes are more difficult to analyze than essential oils, which are obtained by steam distillation and made up of volatile molecules that are easily captured. Absolutes require the use of solvents, which concentrate heavy, complex molecules. Rolland says that a few of these chemicals could be synthesized artificially, but not all. The company spent months working on its oakmoss substitute and eventually found a natural substance — the identity of which is a closely guarded secret — that could be combined with synthetic molecules to produce its particular olfactory facets. And crucially, it passes muster with IFRA.
Но пока есть флаконы с наличием натурального мха до запретов IFRA,я "поставлю" на них.