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Eric Gigodot

Jean-Claude et Eric Gigodot, Perfumers father & son

Jean Claude is based in Grasse and is considered as one of the most talented perfumer of his generation. His career started in 1970 in Paris where he had the opportunity to be trained by legends of the perfumery world including Edgar de Laire and Monique Schlienger. He then shared an amazing team work with Jean Claude Ellena and Lucien Ferrero while at Givaudan and Florasyth. During his career, Jean Claude Gigodot has created perfumes worldwide and through his travels, he discovered aural exotic fragrances which have significantly influenced his creations.

His son Eric spent his childhood in a world of scents. He has developed an extended knowledge of perfume raw materials, having touched upon production, purchase, quality control and creation. Today, jean Claude transfers his creative craftsmanship to his son, giving way to a beautiful collaboration between Father & Son.


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