Ann Haviland изучала искусство парфюмерии в далёкой Smyrna, Turkey, где она жила ещё девочкой.
К 1970 году парфюмерная компания Ann Haviland была куплена Coper Laboratories и возникла компания Haviland-Weil Parfums , распространявшая в США духи Ann Haviland и духи Weil .
В 1974 году духи Ann Haviland были сняты с производства.
В 1917году Ann Haviland выпустила духи для Theda Bara актрисы немого кино.
В 1920 году в одной газетной статье упоминалось, что Мисс Хавилэнд , Нью-Йорк, делает духи на заказ и может с завязанными глазами распознать более чем 400 ароматов и является единственной женщиной в мире, у которой есть собственная парфюмерная лаборатория в Нью-Йорке.
Духи Ann Haviland:
1914 Autumn Pink/Pinx
1914 Tropic Gardenia
1934 Gardenia
1935 Daphne
1939 Celeste
1939 Perhaps
1939 Lily of the Valley
1944 First Love
1944 Wood Violet
1945 Carnation
1946 Purple Lilac
1948 Blue Hyacinth
1950 Jasmin of the Night
1959 Fleurs de Noel
1967 Odamour
Духи Daphne были сделаны специально для магазина Jay Thorpe department store и продавались под их собственным именем.
Wood Violet описывались как "Dewy, enchanting,a light and airy scene reminiscent .. like purple violets picked after an April rain."
реклама Purple Lilac гласила: " Purple Lilac Sends Your Spirits Skyward. There's nothing like a fresh flower fragrance to start your spirits racing toward the clouds to bring a light and sweet touch to winter. And there's definitely no floral fragrance to excel Ann Haviland's - especially this one that truly captures the pure essence of lilacs. Purple Lilac Is Like a Fresh Bouquet fragrant with romance enchanting as purple lilac in full bloom. Available in perfume, toilet water, body powder, talcum, bath salts, sachet, bath oil and soap."
Gardenia "an exquisite fragrance., combining sophistication with gracious femininity. A really choice gardenia holding all the sophisticated allure you'd expect from Ann Haviland."
Carnation "the spicy fragrance of a fresh bouquet clear as a spring breeze. Available in toilet water, bath powder, talcum powder."
Jasmine of the Night " the intense true scent of the night flowering Jasmin that drifts through southern windows like the romantic strains of a serenade..lovely intricacy devised by this genius of flower fragrances, and entirely new. Perfume and eau de toilette available."
Blue Hyacinth "a memorable whisper of dew drenched gardens, refresh yourself with the luxury of Blue Hyacinth. The true fragrance of Spring blossoming blue hyacinths captured by Ann Haviland. Available in toilet water, Grecian bath oil, sachet, talc, perfume, bath powder."
Lily of the Valley described as " a soft echo of vibrant warmth when she feels younger than Springtime."
Perhaps was described as "Perhaps toiler water capturing the haunting loveliness or many romantic moods.Perhaps Is an elusive fragrance that makes you guess "
A 1924 ad for Ann Haviland perfumes suggests:
#1. to apply perfume to your eyebrows as the short hairs of the eyebrows retain the perfume longer than the skin since evaporation takes place more slowly.Besides, this is an ideal two-some,the girl usually comes up to a man's chin, not far below his nose.
#2. One little known method of applying perfume is to saturate a piece of cotton with your chosen scent, place it under the shoulder strap of your slip. Body heat releases an aura about you.
#3. A glamorous method of using perfume is to spray it on the hem of your evening gown, then as you walk or dance, the fragrance is wafted into the air around you. This is the best way to do it.
#4. Another pointer is to apply perfume to the inside of your gloves, while your gloves are on, the warmth of your hands attract the perfume which will cling to the fingers.